(Light Series)
ISO 12151 - 2 (ISO 8434 - 1)
Male 24o Metric Thread to Hose Connections

6 LM 12x1.53/16"       05321114314HEL-6L-3H
6 LM 12x1.51/4"         06421114914HEL-6L-4H
8 LM 14x1.51/4"         06421114917HEL-8L-4H
10 LM 16x1.51/4"         06422115017HEL-10L-4H
10 LM 16x1.55/16”       085.522115017HEL-10L-5H
10 LM 16x1.53/8”         107231252.517HEL-10L-6H
12 LM 18x1.51/4"         06423125119HEL-12L-4H
12 LM 18x1.55/16”       085.523125119HEL-12L-5H
12 LM 18x1.53/8”         107231252.519HEL-12L-6H
12 LM 18x1.51/2”         129.5241353.522HEL-12L-8H
15 LM 22x1.53/8”         107241253.524HEL-15L-6H
15 LM 22x1.51/2"         129.5251354.524HEL-15L-8H
15 LM 22x1.55/8”         1612.525135924HEL-15L-10H
18 LM 26x1.53/8”         107251354.527HEL-18L-6H
18 LM 26x1.51/2"         129.5261455.527HEL-18L-8H
18 LM 26x1.55/8”         1612.526146027HEL-18L-10H
18 LM 26x1.53/4"         191527.515.566.527HEL-18L-12H
22 LM 30x25/8”         1612.528146232HEL-22L-10H
22 LM 30x23/4"         191529.515.568.532HEL-22L-12H
28 LM 36x21      "      2519.530.516.577.541HEL-28L-16H
35 LM 45x21-1/4”      312636.520.59146HEL-35L-20H
42 LM 52x21-1/2"      383237.521.595.555HEL-42L-24H
Dimensions are for reference only and subject to change without notice.